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Professional Review

This page explains how the Professional Review process works. Find out what you'll have to do for the submission stage and on the day of your Professional Review, where you can sit your review, and how much it costs.

The Technician Professional Review is the final stage in becoming professionally qualified.

It's your opportunity to show that you can use proven techniques and procedures to solve practical problems. You'll be assessed against the attributes required at engineering technician (EngTech) level.

The process has two steps:

  1. The application submission
  2. Professional Review interview

Professional Review submission

For this stage, you’ll need to send us several documents, including your completed application form together with some documents including your continuing professional development records.

You'll need to demonstrate how you've achieved the attributes required of an engineering technician, within the application form.

What happens next?

After you've sent your application, we'll give you the names of your reviewers and the details of your interview.

Professional Review Interview

This normally lasts 45 minutes if you have approved academic qualifications, and up to 60 minutes if you do not. You have the option of giving a five-minute presentation at the start of the interview.

The interview will be a discussion with your reviewers based on both the content of your presentation, if you give one, and also on all aspects of the information provided in your application. The reviewer’s focus will be to confirm that you meet all of the attributes at EngTech level.

How can I find out more?

We’ve prepared a document to help you apply and get ready and apply for your Technician Professional Review.

Our Technician Professional Review guidance is a detailed guide on the review process, including what you need to provide and what happens on the day.

Professional Review dates

View our key dates page to find out when the next Professional Reviews will take place.

How much does it cost?

You’ll need to pay a non-refundable fee when you apply, please see our fees page for more information.

Start your application

You can start your application today by downloading the Technician Professional Review application form.

Apply for your Technician Professional Review

Help with ICE elearning

For help and assistance in completing your application, watch our online videos hosted by membership experts.

Got a question?

If you've got any questions about the Technician Professional Review, or you're struggling with an application, then we're here to help.