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ICE has three Committees across Canada - the Canadian Prairies Group of Chartered Engineers, Chartered Engineers of Pacific Western Canada and Canada Ontario Local Committee.

Regional committees and branches

Committee members are volunteers and come from a range of backgrounds within the civil engineering profession.

Find out more about the committees and groups, including who's involved and how you can get in touch.

At the heart of everything we do in Ontario is our local committee. ICE Members of all levels in Ontario have a common interest to learn, develop and interact with other Engineers from the ICE as well as those within the wider engineering profession across Canada.

We are fortunate to have the ICE Americas Chair and the UK ICE Ontario Representative based in Ontario, which provides additional opportunities for Ontario, the whole of Canada and the Americas. The Committee has recently undertaken a Strategy and Planning exercise to set out a 3-year plan that focusses on the key elements laid out below to expand our visibility and grow the local membership and outreach.

Throughout this process the local committee has gathered traction and momentum to sustainably achieve our goals and the objectives that have been set. This will embrace local engineers and affiliated Institutions and Associations operating in the Ontario Community.

The presence of ICE in Ontario dates back to the 1960s when Ontario Hydro embarked on a major expansion attracting engineering experience from around the world, many of them members of ICE.

Ontario’s rapid population growth in the years since, and the need for major infrastructure resulted in a further increase of number of engineering professionals who were members of ICE.

ICE Ontario support members and the broader engineering community in Ontario through various initiatives:

  • Technical lectures
  • Networking events
  • Student chapters in Ontario universities
  • An annual gala dinner and discussion panel
  • Student competitions
  • Networking of civil engineers with international experience
  • Collaboration with other engineering organizations in the region
  • The exchange of engineering knowledge
  • Awareness of the technical resources available through ICE

Keep in touch

Stay up-to-date with all ICE Ontario's activities and event by signing up to our emails.

Name Position
Ravi Raveendra Chair
Dennis Chiu Vice chair
Vacant Secretary
Vacant (Interim – Dennis Chiu and Adrian Sheppard) Events Co-ordinator
Karl Capewell Treasurer
Philippa Higgins ICE Representative
Ian Knowles Student Liaison
Raj Sandhu Communications
Jawaid Malik Graduates and Students Papers Review Sub-Committee Chair
Adrian Sheppard Past Chair
Amro Mohamed Student Representative for York University
Deyana Attia Student Representative for Toronto Metropolitan University

The Canadian Prairies Group of Chartered Engineers (CPGCE) is a multi-disciplinary group of members of British Engineering Institutions who live and/or work in Alberta, Saskatchewan or the Northwest Territories. CPGCE has been actively arranging technical events for many years bringing together industry experts to get an update on projects, challenges, and opportunities. These events provide an excellent networking opportunity for professionals in a relaxed setting.

Got a question?

If you've got a question for the committee, please feel free to contact us:

e: [email protected]

Name Position
Steve Nevin Chairman
Malcolm Gray Vice-Chairman
Nigel Shrive Past Chairman
Titilayo Fatigun Treasurer / Webmaster
Rick Marshall Secretary
Emily Hicks Deputy Treasurer / Awards
Ron Wong Awards / IStructE: UK Institution Liaison Members
Derrick Stableford Awards / Technical
Mia Jovic Newsletter
David Bartle ICE Rep / Membership / ICE: UK Institution Liaison Members
Seyi Smith Communication, Marketing & Outreach
Bob Salt Technical / IMechE: UK Institution Liaison Members
Richard Coldbeck Technical / IET: UK Institution Liaison Members

Chartered Engineers Pacific (CEP), formerly Western Canada Group of Chartered Engineers, serves members of ICE, IMechE, IET, IStructE, CIBSE located in British Columbia, Yukon, Washington State and Alaska. The Group exists to extend the Institutions' services to members locally, and to assist local professional engineers, EITs and technologists with aspirations to register professionally in Europe.

Got a question?

If you've got a question for the committee, please feel free to contact us:

e: [email protected]

Name Position
Suresh Vishwakarma Chair / IET Representative / CCA Member
George De Ridder Interim Hon. Secretary
Matthew Walton-Knight Past Chair
Douglas Yee Hon. Treasurer
Mandeep Arora ICE Rep
Alan Wood Committee member
Alan Kay Committee member
Zeeshan khan Committee member
Vanessa Nodar Juste Committee member
Arul Raja Committee member
Chris Richards Committee member
David Woo Committee member
David Harvey Ex Officio / IStructE Representative