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Calculating carbon emissions on geotechnical projects

Event organised by ICE

23 October 2024
13:00 - 14:00 BST (GMT+1)
Add to Calendar 23-10-2024 13:00 23-10-2024 14:00 false Europe/London Calculating carbon emissions on geotechnical projects Online,


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Geotechnical designers and contractors are increasingly asked to quantify and reduce their carbon footprint. This comes from growing client demand, but also new UK and EU legislation on financing for projects. But where do we start when it comes to calculating these emissions? How do we know which designs are lower carbon, or where to target our decarbonisation initiatives?

In this hour-long webinar, Luke therefore introduces some of the drivers for decarbonisation in the geotechnical sector. After explaining what concepts like life cycle assessment mean for geotechnical companies, he explains the value of the sector-standard EFFC/DFI carbon calculator. This is illustrated using case studies from geotechnical projects around the world. These include examples of using carbon calculations to award geotechnical projects, as well as using them to inform decarbonisation initiatives.

Critically, he will then run through a short demonstration of the free EFFC/DFI carbon calculator. Luke will explain how to input geotechnical data into the tool and explain how to output carbon calculations / comparisons.

There will be an opportunity for questions at the end of the webinar.


Dr Luke Deamer

Dr Luke Deamer


group sustainability manager

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Dr Luke Deamer

Dr Luke Deamer, is group sustainability manager for Keller. He recently carried out a PhD, focused on supporting the adoption of improved sustainable processes across all function of a geotechnical company. Luke is chair of the EFFC's Sustainability Working Group and deputy chair of the FPS Sustainability Working Group. He has authored several papers on geotechnical company sustainability and is now co-head of the cross continent EFFC/DFI Sustainability Guides Task Group. He has previously worked as a structural geologist on the Panama Canal and the Oman Drilling Project.