Alex Buley
Mott MacDonald
ICE South West Future Leader and civil engineer
Alex Buley
Alex is an ICE South West Future Leader 2023-2023.
Event organised by ICE
Human nature means we can sometimes we can be inadvertently egocentric. It is easier often to assume that everyone’s world is the same as our own.
Join ICE South West Future Leaders Meg Ginsberg and Alex Buley as they challenge your perspective around inclusion and what inclusive design means.
Experience life through a different lens. Through a series of simulations, experience what the world is like for people who through either physical, or neurological differences have very different world experiences to your own.
Explore the ethical and moral obligations engineers have towards inclusive design and society. Discuss how engineers can design and build spaces against often conflicting inclusive requirements.
A thought-provoking workshop around accessibility, inclusion, and equity.
The workshop will include:
Open to all ICE delegates and students.
Mott MacDonald
ICE South West Future Leader and civil engineer
Alex is an ICE South West Future Leader 2023-2023.
South West Water
apprentice project manager, infrastructure team
Meg is an ICE South West Future Leader 2023-2024.