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Site visit 1: Northern Access road

Event organised by ICE

15 May 2024
12:00 - 14:30 BST (GMT+1)
Cormac Compound NAR
Quite Lane
Truro, TR4 9AL
United Kingdom

This event has now ended


This event is part of a series of site visits to look at the new Northern Access Road (NAR) being constructed in Truro. The site consists of a new 4km new section of highway, shared footway and associated road highway features. Works are underway across the entire length of the NAR at various phases to allow attendees to witness many different phases of highway construction.

Two additional schemes are also being constructed within the NAR footprint and involve the construction of a new sports pitch for Truro with a club ground and playing field and the construction of a new energy centre which will look at improving energy supply to the surrounding areas.

The project is the first element of the wider Langarth Garden Village development connecting all of the development on the site and provide a route from the A390 through Langarth to the Royal Cornwall Hospital Treliske. The project includes the construction of 3.5km of new highway, footpath and cycleway and includes all drainage, utility, communications and the landscaping of the adjacent land corridor.

Join this guided tour to explore the ongoing NAR site as well a brief look at the newly constructed sports hub and energy center being constructed.

Please use the following what3words to locate the site: Saucepan.Owls.Chairing


12:00 - 12:15
Arrive on site
12:15 - 12:45
Site induction and project talk by site team
12:45 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:30
Site visit
14:30 - 14:45
Return to main compound


Will Harwood

Will Harwood


site agent

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Will Harwood

Will currently works as a site-agent for Cormac Contracting and has been employed by Cormac since 2016. He is currently working as a Site Agent for the NAR scheme and is responsible for a section of the works at the RCHT. Will graduated from Plymouth University with a MSc is Civil and Coastal engineering in 2015 and since then has been working towards becoming a Chartered engineer with the ICE.

Ashley Edwards

Ashley Edwards


site agent

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Ashley Edwards

Ashley has been working at the Truro NAR as a site agent since November 2023. He is a British army veteran and spent just over 5 years in the royal engineers, where he learnt skills such as demolition, water supply, water purification, and both equipment and non-equipment bridge building.

Prior to this,  Ashley spent many years working in the telecommunications industry in various capacities from operative level to civils build manager more recently. He also spent some time in the geotechnical drilling and vacuum excavation sectors focusing on safe digging and  installation of GSHP and window sampling projects, as well as monitoring boreholes predominantly for petrol stations and oil refineries.

Currently, Ashley is working towards his ENGTECH and is always keen and interested to learn and advise where possible.

Steve Worthington

Steve Worthington


project director

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Steve Worthington

Steve has over 25 years experience within the construction industry with the majority within the Geotechnical Sector.

Prior to working at Cormac Steve worked for Keller UK and was involved in projects across the UK with project director roles at Crossrail & Victoria Station Upgrade prior to becoming the Keller Foundations divisional director overseeing an annual turnover of £40m.

Steve joined Cormac in 2019 as a principle project manager overseeing the Infrastructure Operational delivery before taking the project director role at the £40m Northern Access Road in Truro project and at the start of 2024 head of major projects.