Javed Yunas Uppal
Engineering Project Development Consultants
civil structural engineer
Javed Yunas Uppal
Dr. Engr. Javed Yunas Uppal is a BSc Engr., PhD (London), CEng, MICE (UK), and MASCE (USA). His name appears in Who’s Who in the World, Chicago, USA. He is a practicing civil structural engineer, chairing Engineering Project Development Consultants. He has served as the President of the Institution of Engineers, Pakistan, a Member of the Governing Body of the Pakistan Engineering Council, and a Consultant for Planning and Development for the Government of the Punjab. He is the author of over 40 publications and conference presentations at both national and international levels. He is also a trainer and motivator, delivering workshops at the grassroots, middle, and top management levels.
Dr. Uppal has been promoting the image of ICE in Pakistan by collaborating with and inviting ICE visiting teams. A couple of instances include being a speaker at the UNEP-ICE Sustainable Infrastructure Event on 31 May 2023, where he discussed case studies on the application of SDGs in the Pakistan Spatial Strategic Program, and conducting a three-week workshop in May 2021 on the Application of the Prince’s Foundation Commonwealth Association London Toolkit for Rapid Urban Development, in collaboration with the ASCE Planning Committee on Global Sustainability and the Asian Civil Engineering Coordination Council (ACECC) Committee on Sustainable Infrastructure, Washington, DC.