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Building Safety Act: Northern Ireland health & safety group

Event organised by ICE

24 November 2022

This event has now ended


The Building Safety Act came into force 28 April 2022, to make provision about the safety of people in or about buildings and the standard of buildings. It is in full effect under English Law but it also has requirements for those working in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

The Act has some retrospective requirements, but its primary focus is on the management of safety decisions and measures that will change the way buildings are constructed and maintained for generations to come.

We are joined by Guest Speakers - Richard Glazzard from Faithful+Gould and Stephen Workman from Atkins to increase awareness and give an overview of how the Act impacts on Infrastructure professionals. They will outline key requirements of the Act, including the responsibilities of an Accountable Person and the ‘Golden Thread’ of reporting, sharing and maintaining information.


Richard Glazzard MCIOB, CMIOSH, CMAPS

Richard Glazzard MCIOB, CMIOSH, CMAPS


regional director

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Richard Glazzard MCIOB, CMIOSH, CMAPS

Richard works for Faithful+Gould managing the London and SouthEast Region H&S Consultancy Team. He has worked with Faithful+Gould since 2006 as a construction Health and Safety Professional across various sectors. In more recent times he has been focussed on integrating the changes that will come from the Building Safety Act across the SNC Lavalin business.

Stephen Workman BArch, MArch, ARB, RIBA

Stephen Workman BArch, MArch, ARB, RIBA


technical director

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Stephen Workman BArch, MArch, ARB, RIBA

Stephen leads the residential sector within the Atkins UK Building Design team. Since joining Atkins in 2016, he has been involved in a wide variety of projects across Atkins whilst also growing the team nationally over that period. His team works on projects from inception through to completion, on small infill sites through to large complex regeneration schemes and employing both traditional and MMC techniques. Recently he has been working alongside Richard on integrating the changes that will come from the Building Safety Act across the SNC Lavalin business.

For more information please contact:

Valeria Oliviero