Maj Angela Laycock
Royal Engineers
Event organised by ICE
Join the ICE Nottingham, Leicester and Derby Branch for a webinar with Maj Angela Laycock. This presentation will provide an overview of how the Military Assessment Team from 170 (Infrastructure Support) Engineer Group supported the NHS from scoping to initial opening of the Birmingham Nightingale Hospital.
On Tuesday 24 March 2020, Military Assessment Teams (MATs) were deployed to various locations around the country to conduct site assessments to identify suitable sites for regional surge hospitals. Using the information from the construction of the London Nightingale based in the ExCel centre, the team conducted a feasibility study and gap analysis to support the decision making for the NHS.
Maj Angela Laycock will discuss how Royal Engineers supported the planning, conceptual design and some construction tasks. With wider military support from Medical Liaison Officers, Planners and Royal Signals soldiers the first ward was ready to be opened just over two weeks later with a plan to increase the capacity to around 2,000 beds.
Image courtesy of BBC.
Royal Engineers