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Delivering net benefit for biodiversity and wider environmental benefits through Natural Resources Wales projects

Event organised by ICE

19 September 2024

This event has now ended


Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is a regulator and a developer. As an organisation they are designing and building civil engineering projects that must deliver a net benefit for biodiversity. 

Whilst the Section 6 duty to maintain and enhance biodiversity and promote ecosystem resilience has been a requirement on NRW since the introduction of the Environment (Wales) Act 2016, recent changes to Planning Policy Wales (PPW) mean they, like all developers, must demonstrate a net benefit for biodiversity, within Green Infrastructure Statements when we submit planning applications.

In this webinar we will look at the requirements of the recent PPW changes and some of the tools and techniques that we are developing to ensure we can deliver a net benefit for biodiversity and wider benefits through our projects.


Vicky Schlottmann

Vicky Schlottmann

Natural Resources Wales

Chartered Environmentalist

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Vicky Schlottmann

Vicky Schlottmann is a chartered environmentalist with 25 years’ experience in delivering Environmental impact assessments (EIA) and Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for Natural Resources Wales and the Environment Agency.

Vicky leads NRW’s Environmental Assessment Team which is a small team of Environmental impact assessments (EIA) and Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) practitioners delivering EIA of Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Flood Risk Management projects and metal mine remediation projects, amongst others. We also develop policy and process to ensure that Natural Resources Wales (NRW) environmental assessment complements and delivers our responsibilities under the Environment (Wales) Act and the Wellbeing of Future Generation Act.