- Date
- 26 April 2021
- Time
This event has now ended
Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 18.00 followed by the lecture.
Presentation 1 - On-Site Emergency Flood Plans – The New Requirements in England (Defra & EA)
In November 2020, following consultation, the Government said it would take forward making a statutory requirement for undertakers of large raised reservoirs to prepare on-site emergency flood plans, by issuing a Direction to all undertakers in England. Defra and the Environment Agency will explain the new requirements and how this fits in with what owners and engineers do now.
Presentation 2 - Exercise Vander Mill Lessons Learnt on the Organisation and Running of an On-Site Plan Exercise (Severn Trent Water)
Severn Trent Water undertook an emergency exercise to test the on-site plan and emergency response at Ladybower Reservoir in 2019. This presentation will describe the planning of the exercise, the key events, and the lessons learnt.
Presentation 3 - Reservoir Emergencies: Planning, Review and Response (NRW)
Since 2015 NRW have experienced a number of reportable incidents at their reservoirs. As part of a drive to minimise such incidents and improve responses NRW have embarked on a programme of activities which have included: developing or updating on-site plans; installing appropriate drawdown facilities (temporary and permanent); undertaking emergency exercises (desktop and with contractors); incidents, debriefings and lessons learnt; training for internal staff (including control centre staff); briefing the Local Resilience Forum (LRF); and planning a joint exercise with the LRF
The presentation will provide an outline of each of these processes, and some of the key aspects and developments