Kevin Giles IEng MICE
Network Rail
senior asset engineer
Kevin Giles IEng MICE
Kevin is the Senior Asset Engineer for Structures within the Wales Route, Network Rail. He joined British Rail, in February 1980 and has worked in the railway industry for 42 years. Upon privatisation of British Rail in 1995, he joined Railtrack PLC, Great Western as the Structures Assistant managing the inspection and maintenance of a variety of structures including the Severn Tunnel and Barmouth Viaduct.
In November 2011, following the creation of a single Wales Route, Kevin became the Senior Asset Engineer for Network Rail Wales managing nine Asset Engineers across the Principality, overseeing the stewardship of approximately 10,000 assets.
With the re-merger of Wales and Western Routes into one Region in 2020, Kevin has taken on the role of Assurance Engineer ensuring the Asset Engineers within the team comply with Standards within which Network Rail operates. He continues however to manage coastal assets and structures spanning watercourses in Wales.