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Floating offshore wind: FES Stinger-Keel model and wave tank testing for mooring design

Event organised by Offshore Engineering Society

09 October 2023

This event has now ended


As part of an Innovate UK funded project 2H Offshore (2H) and HR Wallingford (HRW) collaborated to increase the technology readiness level of the novel Stinger Keel floating wind foundation. This floating wind foundation is developed by Floating Energy Systems, and the work looked to develop the design further for application at North Sea floating wind farms.

A key objective of 2H and HRW was to establish the loading acting onto the foundation structure (such as pressure fields and mooring fairlead loads) to enable the design of the foundation to be further detailed by others within the project consortium. To facilitate this out 2H and HRW worked through a program to develop numerical models of the foundation, establish the design and configuration of the mooring system, and, use small-scale wave tank testing to establish the robustness and calibration of these models.

2H and HRW will discuss this scope of work and the challenges and outcomes of the project to support development of this novel floating offshore wind platform, including some of the lessons learned. The presentation will include:

  • Introduction of the Floating Energy Systems Stinger Keel floating foundation and the background to its design
  • An overview of the Innovate UK project undertaken, its objectives and the 2H and HRW scope
  • Development of the floating foundation numerical models to support mooring system design and load definitions
  • Establishing the mooring system design for input to the tank testing CFD modelling of the floating foundation and tank testing setup
  • Outcomes from tank testing and learning from comparing numerical models with tank results
  • Further development of the mooring system design for North Sea applications
  • Other benefits of the loads established
  • Summary and conclusions

Organised by

Offshore Engineering Society

Offshore Engineering Society

The OES acts to promote interest and scholarship in both the scientific and applied aspects of offshore engineering.


Mauricio Suzuki

Mauricio Suzuki

2H Offshore

Senior Engineering Specialist

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Mauricio Suzuki

Mauricio Suzuki has over 12 years specialist engineering experience in design and numerical analysis of offshore structures used in energy production, including risers, moorings and cable systems. He has held technical leadership roles in a number of concept, feasibilities, front end, detail design and verification projects. These included standard and non-standard production riser systems and configurations for convention energy systems, and, in more recent years has been involved in a range of floating offshore wind projects. Specifically, he leads the coupled assessment of the floater & turbine, mooring systems and power cables in Orcaflex to support developer and vendors on floating wind projects.

Mauricio is a graduate of the University of Campinas, Brazil, with a Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and a Master’s in science and petroleum engineering. He has been based in 2H’s London office for over 5 years.

John Alderson

John Alderson

HR Wallingford

Principal Engineer, Ships and Dredging group

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John Alderson

John Alderson is a principal civil engineer at HR Wallingford, with a PhD in coastal & maritime engineering.  John joined the HR Wallingford in 2001 and has been responsible for the management and execution of both physical and numerical model studies. John has spent much of his career finding design solutions for a wide range of costal and maritime structures in both nearshore /offshore environments.  

For more information please contact:

Fiona Oteng