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Tentacled, grizzled and roman and Kent & east Sussex branch AGM

Event organised by ICE

11 January 2022

This event has now ended


Join the Kent and East Sussex Branch AGM to elect the committee for the forthcoming year.

Please join us for the ICE Kent and East Sussex branch will hold its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 11 January 2022, followed by the talk 'Tentacled, Grizzled and Roman - more than just Great and Crested!'

One of the first protected species any engineer learns about is the Great Crested Newt, but there are so many other creatures that you may not come across during your work - yet will need to be prepared for! This talk will focus on three other protected species, as well as the wider challenges faced by engineers to protect our natural world and working with nature for the wealth and well-being of the whole of society. Hosted over teams, but there will be interactive elements and attendees will be encouraged to share their experiences and learning on other lesser known protected species - all creatures great and small are welcome!

Join us to approve your committee for 2021/22 and to find out more about the work of the region and how you can get involved shaping the ICE’s agenda in Kent & East Sussex.

For more information please contact:

Rose Creasey