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ICE President Q&A: ICE leading change through assurance and excellence

Event organised by ICE

10 June 2021

This event has now ended


ICE members are invited to take part in a discussion on the proposal to introduce a new Chartered Infrastructure Engineer qualification.

The issue of broadening the Institution’s membership has been discussed for many years. In 2019, ICE Council recommended that the Institution consider introducing a professional engineering qualification for suitably qualified individuals who work in infrastructure but who cannot – or do not wish – to become chartered civil engineers. The Chartered Infrastructure Engineer qualification has now been created. This descriptor has been provisionally endorsed by the Engineering Council, BEIS and the Privy Council. In order to make such changes to the Institution’s Royal Charter and By-laws the proposal must be endorsed by members in a ballot. The proposal was formally agreed by Trustee Board and is endorsed by council and trustees members.

Following conversations with members, a decision to postpone the ballot until 2022 was made. This was to allow further opportunity to understand the proposal and its implications.

This session is an opportunity for members to discuss the proposal to introduce a Chartered Infrastructure Engineer qualification, and ensure they have all the facts to make a fully informed decision. ICE President, Rachel Skinner, will host the online session where she will outline the ICE’s proposal and the benefits seen by both Council and Trustee Board. She will then take questions from attendees.

For more information please contact:

Barbara Etzi