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Lunch and Learn: Boston Barrier tidal flood barrier

Event organised by ICE

16 January 2020

This event has now ended


The Boston Barrier scheme is part of a phased approach to reduce the risk of tidal flooding to over 14,000 properties and 500 businesses.

The 25m steel rising cill sector gate and the construction is being installed and built on a working river, with waterways both upstream and downstream used regularly. Other factors taken into account, along with the ease of navigation for vessels, was the design of the defence, build components, minimising risk, and utilising offsite construction.

The scheme is deemed a National Priority Project within the Environment Agency’s Six Year Programme and is fully funded by the Government’s Flood Defence Grant in Aid. Once operational Boston’s tidal flood barrier will offer the best standard of protection against tidal flooding outside of London.

In this lecture, Boston Barrier Project Director, Adam Robinson, will explain the history of the scheme and give an overview of the project to date.

For more information please contact:

Daniel Stanyard