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Menai Suspension Bridge – Keeping it safe

Event organised by ICE

20 May 2021

This event has now ended


Joint presentation on the technical design and construction methodologies for the remedial works to replace the footway panels on the Menai Suspension Bridge.

Following a Principal Inspection of the Menai Suspension Bridge in 2020, the cantilevered footway panels were categorised as a high category defect with spalling at the soffit of most of the panels.

This presentation will discuss the optioneering phase with WSP as the Principal Designers for the scheme, the involvement of Spencers through an informal ECI arrangement and Principal Contractor during the construction phase and progress of the works on site.

This is a joint presentation of WSP, The Spencer Group and UK Highways A55 team about the technical design and construction methodologies for the remedial works to replace the footway panels.

For more information please contact:

Felicity White