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St David's Day lecture: Engineering total well-being, Cardiff

Event organised by ICE

03 March 2020

This event has now ended


We must create the optimal cultural environment for strategic and sustainable innovation.

Do you and your colleagues have the right environment for success?

  • World class Engineers need to be innovative thinkers
  • Innovate thinkers need well-being time, permission and skills to think differently.
  • Diverse cultures and eco-systems enable the best and keenest thinking.
  • When people are safe, happy, supported and connected then creative thinking will thrive and innovation will happen

Physical safety is now embedded in the industry but do civil engineers understand the need for mental safety and total Well-Being in enabling new and different thinking?

Most of what we need is already available and technology makes it accessible. We just need the courage and the ingenuity to apply it.

For more information please contact:

Felicity White
