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The electric vehicle charging strategy for Wales

Event organised by ICE

21 September 2023

This event has now ended


In April 2021, Welsh Government published the Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy, setting out its plans for charging electric cars and vans in Wales. It is written within the context of Llwybr Newydd: a new Wales Transport Strategy and establishes an ambitious vision for charging in Wales:

“By 2025, all users of electric cars and vans in Wales are confident that they can access electric vehicle charging infrastructure when and where they need it.”

Four main outcomes are highlighted to achieve this vision: increased total charging provision, a quality charging experience, a sustainable approach (aligned with the decarbonisation agenda) and localised benefits.

The strategy is based on the sustainable transport hierarchy: recognising the need for modal shift and increased use of public transport and active travel to help achieve decarbonisation targets.

The actions provide targeted means to enhance local, social and environmental benefits, and capture economic benefit from investment in and servicing of charging infrastructure across Wales.

With little more than a year to go, our speaker John Mather MICE will review the progress made and what remains to be done.


John Mather

John Mather

Cycling UK’s Cycle Advocacy Network


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John Mather

John has many years experience in civil engineering (roads sector) as a Project Engineer, Project Manager, Area Manager and, more recently, as an independent consultant.

He has familiarised himself with the Business Excellence Model and has facilitated several organisational self-assessments.

His specialisms are project-specific partnering, project/programme reviews, value & risk management, business process improvement, project reviews and lessons learned workshops.

He has been a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers for more than 50 years. He has worked for central and local government and is the Honorary Secretary of the ICE’s North Wales Branch.

John takes a keen interest in transport policy and is an enthusiastic cyclist. He is a Member of Cycling UK’s Cycle Advocacy Network where he campaigns for more and better facilities for active travel.

For more information please contact:

Jessica McQuade