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The Power of Integration of infrastructure schemes

Event organised by ICE

18 October 2021

This event has now ended


Acting from within HM Treasury, the IPA (Infrastructure Project Authority) provides guidance on how to initiate and deliver large infrastructure projects. It issued a route map for this in 2016, split into a number of modules addressing such things as governance, procurement, risk management and asset management. This suite of modules has recently been revised, and a new one prepared to address the area of Systems Integration.

Separately, an approach has recently been developed that provides a way of understanding the impact of a projected infrastructure project on a nation’s progress towards achieving the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). This uses an Integrated Value Approach both to understand and unite the separate legs of the three-legged sustainability stool, ie economic, environmental and social. The resultant technique, known as MISI (Measuring Infrastructure SDG global goals Impact), has now been trialled on a small number of infrastructure projects. The presentation will briefly summarise MISI and its trial application on Thames Tideway.


18:30 Registration
18:45 Chair’s introduction
18:50 Presentation by Tim Broyd
19:20 Presentation by Ines Faden da Silva
19:35 Q&A session
19:55 Closing remarks
20:00 Event ends

For more information please contact:

Gabriella Lai