Professor Matthew Coop
ICE Géotechnique Journal Editorial Panel
Professor Matthew Coop
Matthew has about 40 years research experience, concentrating on the behaviour of soils and weak rocks as revealed through high quality laboratory testing. Following industrial experience in offshore foundations and his Doctorate on the behaviour of offshore piles at Oxford University under the supervision of Peter Wroth he was a lecturer/senior lecturer at City University, London before moving to Imperial College in 2000, where he became professor in 2007.
In 2010 Matthew moved to the City University of Hong Kong where he established a laboratory specialising in the micro-mechanics of soils returning to London in 2016 to University College. In 2003 he delivered the Géotechnique Lecture.
He is the current chair of TC101 of the ISSMGE, for the laboratory testing of soils. He was the founding editor of Géotechnique Letters, the current editor in chief of Géotechnique and is the author of over 110 journal papers which have been awarded ten major research prizes.