PIANC provides access to worldwide trends and challenges in port and waterway development and management.
Event organised by PIANC
This 2024 event will update delegates about the progress being made on updating and improving the standard to meet changing requirements. Such changes include:
The speakers are experienced maritime infrastructure design practitioners and are actively involved in maintaining and updating the standard. If you are involved in maritime and coastal works, either as a maritime infrastructure asset owner or operator or developer, a contractor, a designer or a supplier then this is an opportunity to contribute to continuous improvement of maritime engineering practice to achieve more effective and sustainable outcomes for owners, operators and users.
BS 6349: Maritime Works is a suite of 11 standards (the first of which was published in 1984) covering most aspects of maritime civil engineering. It continues to be widely used on an international basis. BSI Committee, CB502 oversees the standards and undergoes periodic reviews and revisions of BS 6349 to maintain its applicability and relevance. CB502 has also been tasked with reviewing and the new draft Eurocode prEN1991-1-8 (actions from waves and currents on coastal structures) and expects, in due course, to develop the UK National Annex for the Eurocode.
This seminar gives delegates the opportunity to learn about the progress made since the last PIANC BS 6349 seminar in 2022 and to discuss ongoing revisions, planned future work and the implications of Eurocode EN1991-1-8. The seminar content has been grouped thematically as follows:
The interactive breakout sessions will offer delegates the chance to discuss and to suggest specific improvements. Thus, delegates will have a direct influence on future upgrades to the standard suite. The seminar is recommended to all civil, port or coastal engineers involved in the planning, design, construction and maintenance or maritime works.
Please note the following prior to booking:
Ticket | Price |
Society member (PIANC and dual ICE/PIANC) | £100 (excl VAT) |
Non-member (including non-PIANC ICE members) | £120 (excl VAT) |
Lunch and refreshments are included.
PIANC provides access to worldwide trends and challenges in port and waterway development and management.
Arrival and registration
Welcome and housekeeping
BS 6349 Introduction and part 1: the basic of design, David Veale
BS 6349 Part 1-2: Actions, Adrian Douglas
Eurocode 1991-1-8: Actions on coastal structures, Simon Everitt
Questions of basic design and actions
Refreshment break (tea, coffee and biscuits)
BS 6349 Part 4: Fendering and mooring systems, Peter Beamish
BS 6349 Part 6: Inshore mooring and floating structures, Cliff Ohl
BS 6349 Part 8: RoRo ramps, linkspans and walkaways, Tim Beckett
Questions on design of marine facilities
BS 6349 Part 7: Design of breakwaters and coastal revetments, Simon Burchett
FCERM (Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Managment), James Addicott
Questions on design of coastal structures and FCERM
Workshop the key issues - breakout sessions
Refreshment break (tea, coffee and biscuits)
Workshop feedback plenary session
Closing adress
End of conference
Mott MacDonald Ltd
Technical Principal
Cliff is a technical principal of Mott MacDonald Ltd and Chair of BSI Committee CB502/-/18 carrying out the update of BS 6349 Part 6.
BS6349 Part 6 was published in 1989 and withdrawn in 2011 pending an update to bring it in line with current practice. Cliff will summarise the approach being taken to the update including how the scope of the document will be now framed in respect of other floating facilities and how the standard fits within the BS6349 suite.
Environment Agency
Engineering and Standards Policy Manager
James is engineering and standards policy manager at the Environment Agency and is a member of CB/502 maritime works and has been on drafting panels for the update of BS6349 Parts 1-1 and 1-2.
The recent update of BS6349-1-1 has provided the opportunity to ensure that the standard is relevant to the full range of function and asset types including flood and coastal erosion risk management (FCERM) works. It is expected that the update of BS6349 Part 7 will be broadened in application to explicitly address coastal revetments and embankments and will be harmonised as appropriate with the approach to coastal structures design emerging in the new Eurocode for actions on coastal structures and the UK national Annex. Aspects of coastal flooding management will be addressed in cooperation with BSI Committee CB/501 flood risk and watercourses.
James will give his perspective on the issues for BS6349 in Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management.
HR Wallingford
Technical Director
Adrian Douglas is a technical principal with Mott MacDonald Ltd and a member of BSI Committee CB502/-/16 carrying out the update of BS 6349 Part 1-2.
Adrian will provide an update on BS6349: Part 1-2 assessment of actions which is presently being revised to include improvements in respect of actions from water levels, waves and in respect of earthquakes.
Beckett Rankine
Tim is a director of Beckett Rankine and a member of BSI Committee CB502/-/12 carrying out the update of BS 6349 Part 8.
BS6349 Part 8 was first published in 2007 and has now been substantially revised following a review in 2021 which found the standard to be out of date in many areas. Tim will summarise issues addressed in the update, also making reference to the recent PIANC working group report 167.
Mott MacDonald Ltd
Technical Director
Simon is a technical director with Mott MacDonald Ltd, UK national expert on CEN/TC250/SC1/WG6 and Chair of CB/502/-/10 planning the update of BS6349 Part 7
The existing edition of BS6349 Part 7 Code of practice for the design of breakwaters was published in 1991. Following a review, it was found to be out of date and a panel chaired by Simon was formed in 2017 to undertake an update. By this time, CEN/TC250 had initiated a working group (SC1/WG6) to create the new structural Eurocode defining actions on coastal structures which has a significant overlap of scope of application with Part 7.
Simon is the UK national expert on CEN/TC250/SC1/WG6 and work on updating Part 7 is expected to recommence when the outcome of the enquiry process for the Eurocode is clear in 2025. Simon will provide and update on issues to be addressed in the Part 7 update.
Mott MacDonald Ltd
technical principal
Adrian Douglas is a technical principal with Mott MacDonald Ltd and a member of BSI Committee CB502/-/16 carrying out the update of BS 6349 Part 1-2.
Adrian will provide an update on BS6349: Part 1-2 assessment of actions which is presently being revised to include improvements in respect of actions from water levels, waves and in respect of earthquakes.
Royal HaskoningDHV
Technical Director
Peter is a technical director of Royal HaskoningDHV and is Chair of CB/502/-/14 for the revision of BS6349 Part 4.
Peter will describe the work to update the Part 4 which was last reviewed in 2014. This will include discussion of the approach taken with reference to the recently published PIANC Working group report 212.
Mott MacDonald
David is chair of BSI Committee CB502 and is panel chair for the update of BS6349 Part 1-1.
David will the give an update on the major revision on BS6349 Part 1-1 Planning and design for the asset lifecycle. The draft Part 1-1 has recently been through the public comment round and feedback is being incorporated ready for publication. The update has included some rationalisation and reorganisation of content between Parts 1-2, 4 and 8 which are also under revision.
The update includes for wider lifecycle applicability, and more focus on flood and coastal erosion risk management with Environment Agency input. It also has updated and strengthened safety and sustainability content (including carbon management, climate change allowances and adaptation).
Aimed at students, this series of seven webinars which runs until May 2025 will enable you to learn about professional life from recent graduates from across the industry.
A five session course delivered by industry experts to develop in-depth knowledge of health, safety, and wellbeing in civil engineering within the UK.
This event guides ICE Graduate members (GMICE) on the Safety and Health Assessment System in Construction (SHASSIC), providing expert insights into evaluating and improving safety and health in construction through assessments, risk controls, and performance benchmarks.