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Toward net zero: active travel and sustainable transport in south west Wales

Event organised by ICE

17 June 2024

This event has now ended


Joint event by ICE / CIWEM / CECA

Panel members from the Welsh Government, Transport for Wales and local government will give perspectives on the national transport plan, Llywbr Newydd, and the work that has now commenced on the Regional Transport Plan, with focus on developing thinking on active travel and sustainable transport.

Panel members will each give a short introductory presentation with discussion then opened up in terms of questions and debate. The discussion aims to cover:

  • WG strategic perspective,
  • Regions (the Corporate Joint Committee),
  • and councils – in terms of local delivery.

There are some interesting issues to explore, in terms of funding pressures to deliver bus and train improvements, the move toward measures that give more prominence to walking and cycling (such as the 20mph default).


Ben George

Ben George

Transport for Wales

transport planner

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Ben George

Ben George has worked as a transport planner for the past fifteen years, working particularly in Swansea but also across the wider South West Wales Region. More recently Ben has taken up a role with Transport for Wales, providing leadership for the development of the projects and supporting collaboration across governmental and private sector operators to 

Stuart Davies

Stuart Davies

City & County of Swansea

Head of Highways and Transportation

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Stuart Davies

Stuart is head of highways and transportation at City & County of Swansea. He is an experienced senior manager who has worked in ten local authorities over the last 34 years. Stuart has been a chief officer in local government for the last eighteen years, with significant staffing and budgetary responsibility over a diverse range of highway and transport services. Stuart has a strong technical background in civil engineering and transportation and has been a Chartered Civil Engineer since 2001.

Matthew Jones

Matthew Jones

Welsh government

Chartered Civil Engineer

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Matthew Jones

Matt Jones is a Chartered Civil Engineer and Welsh Government transport official involved in policy through to delivery.  Following 10 years in consultancy working on major highways projects in Wales, Matt joined Welsh Government in 2013 and took the M4 Relief Road through detailed design through to Public Inquiry in 2019.

Following the First Minister’s decision not to proceed with construction, he went on to work with Lord Burns on alternatives to private car trips in the region and broadened his work into transport policy.  

He now looks after the Burns Delivery Unit as well as co-ordinating regional transport planning and national transport policies. Matt was the chair of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 2019/20.