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BGS GeoScour dataset webinar

Event organised by ICE

12 July 2023

This event has now ended


BGS GeoScour provides an integrated GIS package of datasets designed to inform and support catchment management and adaptation. It provides information on the morphology, behaviour and susceptibility of river bed and bank material to river scour, underpinned by its geology.

GeoScour has been developed for water companies, catchment management partnerships, local authorities, asset owners, hydraulic modellers and researchers who want to underpin their riverine decision making and planning relative to river erosion and catchment evolutionary processes.

In the webinar, you will gain insights into the content of the data and why it is important to understand the natural geological conditions, and learn more about our development of river erosion data and its potential uses at a range of scales.

This 30 minute webinar covers:

  • An overview of river scour and associated river erosion hazards
  • An introduction to the Open and Premium GeoScour data packages including overviews of all 3 tiers of data and their target users as well as summaries of new features
  • Information on data access, formats, coverage and scales
  • Q&A session


Majdi Mansour

Majdi Mansour


senior groundwater modeller

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Majdi Mansour

Majdi is a senior groundwater modeller at BGS developing and applying numerical groundwater models for water resources management and protection. He is the co-author of the distributed recharge model ZOODRM used to estimate potential recharge over the British mainland historically and under future climates. ZOODRM soil moisture output is also used to assess the shrink and swell of clay geohazards under future climate using the UKCP09, UKCP18, and other datasets. Majdi is currently contributing to a research project studying the movement of water in the deep unsaturated zones. Majdi is currently a member of the editorial board of QJEGH.

Clive Cartwright

Clive Cartwright


geographical information systems analyst

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Clive Cartwright

Clive Cartwright is a geographical information systems aAnalyst within the Digital Products team at the BGS. He has contributed to the development of digital dataset methodologies for geohazard products, involving the analysis and development of riverbed scour model characteristics. With a background in cartographic visualisation and digital data best practice he currently manages updates to corporate geo-hazard datasets for the BGS. Clive managed the final stage of the GeoScour release.

Rob Shaw

Rob Shaw


geospatial analyst

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Rob Shaw

Rob Shaw is a geospatial analyst within the Digital Products team at BGS. He has contributed to the development of digital datasets assessing susceptibility to a wide range of natural geohazards, using GIS analytics and marketing techniques to translate scientific research into accessible digital outputs. With a background in broadscale flood modelling for insurance clients he specialises in engaging with industry stakeholders to inform product development and ensure user requirements are met. Rob joined the team during the final stages of BGS GeoScour v2 development and has coordinated the launch and promotion of this data product.

For more information please contact:

Jessica McQuade