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INWED 2021: The strengths of diverse engineering teams

Event organised by ICE

21 June 2021

This event has now ended


This year we will be celebrating the amazing work that engineers in the North East and Yorkshire and Humber are doing not just to respond to the pandemic but also to support lives and livelihoods every day.  We have some of the best, brightest and bravest men and women in engineering, who recognise a problem, then dare to be part of the solution, who undertake everyday ‘heroics’ as much as emergency ones.  INWED21 allows us to take some time celebrate these our Engineering Heroes who in their work are looking forward towards NetZero and a more sustainable future.
Our diverse panel from people in engineering from the North East, Yorkshire and Humber will give us an insight into how they are each supporting lives and livelihoods every day.  Each panellist will also give us an insight into how they are supporting the NetZero agenda and provide us with their vision of the future. 

We will also focus on the importance and role of wider and more diverse engineering teams; how they view their journey towards NetZero in not only their professional career but also in some of their personal choices.  Together we shall discuss if we are doing enough in trying to achieve NetZero and what obstacles are preventing us creating the diverse teams we need.

For more information please contact:

Joanne Topping