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The Mekong Basin – Implications of rapid transformation

Event organised by The Irrigation and Water Forum

05 November 2021

This event has now ended


The Mekong Basin drains a vast area of eastern Asia, flowing 4,500km from the mountains of south-western China, through Laos, Thailand and Cambodia. This transboundary river basin has undergone an extremely rapid transformation, feeding and watering some 66m people. But, according to the WWF, quoted in The Economist, May 16th 2020, “All the environmental indicators are in the red.” There are 13 dams along the river: 11 in China, one in Laos and one in Cambodia.

China plans eight more and Laos seven, while Cambodia has placed a moratorium on dam building. This meeting will consider the implications of the rapid transformation for the basin, its region and other transboundary basins. The meeting comprises two virtual sessions. The first session, on Friday 5 November, will consider aspects of historical developments along the Mekong River and where these developments may be heading.

In the second session, on Friday 12 November, looks at specific developments affecting the flow regime of the Mekong river and possibilities for developing a sustainable river system.

For more information please contact:

Elira Alushi
