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Net Zero Wales – an all-Wales plan for achieving our net zero targets

Event organised by ICE

18 November 2021

This event has now ended


In March 2021, the Senedd agreed regulations which for the first time, legally commit Wales to a net zero decarbonisation pathway. That’s the easy bit. Delivering the targets is going to be a significant challenge, but one which comes with enormous opportunity for Wales.

On the 28 October, Welsh Government will publish its second statutory decarbonisation plan and the first which must align to net zero. The plan will shape the next stage of our pathway (2021 to 2025) and to net zero by 2050 and emphasise the importance of working together to help deliver the ambition.

Jonathan Oates, Head of Clean Growth in Welsh Government will present a summary of the plan, the key policies which will deliver in the short term, the approaches being taken for the long-term, the risks and opportunities for Wales and how civil engineers can provide leadership to achieve net zero.

This event is co-badged with the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM).

CIWEM logo

For more information please contact:

Felicity White