James Mead
Sheffield City Council
flood & water manager
James Mead
As Sheffield City Council, as a Lead Local Flood Authority, reimagines itself as a City of Rivers in for the 21st century better protecting people and property and enabling investment he is client for Sheffield’s ongoing £90m Flood Protection Programme and lead for the Connected by Water Partnership.
Having worked in Flood Risk Management for nearly 20 years he was previously the Environment Agency’s lead advisor on major partnership flood risk projects, including the development and delivery of Sheffield’s £21m Defra Priority Growth Scheme in the Lower Don Valley with its unique Business Improvement District funding and led on the first phases of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council’s “Rotherham Renaissance” Flood Scheme.
He was the client Project Manager for the £30m, award winning Redcar Coastal Management and Seafront Regeneration Scheme delivering in Partnership with Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council. He has been a key contributor to UK guidance on partnership funding, the relationships between flood risk planning and regeneration and the commercial and regeneration economic benefits of flood risk.
His project work has been used as case studies in Defra guidance for partnership funding and in the development of the joint Defra/EA research & development project “Flood & coastal erosion risk management and the local economy” published by Frontier Economics.