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Development and flood risk: are SuDS the answer? A lead local flood authority perspective

Event organised by ICE

18 February 2025
10:30 - 14:00 GMT
Rogerthorpe Manor Hotel
Thorpe Lane
Badsworth, WF9 1AB
United Kingdom
Add to Calendar 18-02-2025 10:30 18-02-2025 14:00 false Europe/London Development and flood risk: are SuDS the answer? A lead local flood authority perspective Rogerthorpe Manor Hotel, Badsworth

From £1.00

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Public perception often pins responsibility for flood events on new developments. Stuart Pedder draws on his experience in Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) planning to unpack the relationship between development and flooding, and how SuDS can support flood management in urban spaces. 

Stuart will take you through the main aspects of applying SuDS, including legal guidance, practical application, and CSO spill reduction, offering a pragmatic way forward for urban flood solutions. 

An optional lunch will be available from £6.

Please contact [email protected] for more information and to register your place (and book lunch). 


Rogerthorpe Manor Hotel
Thorpe Lane


10:30 - 11:00

Registration, coffee & tea service

11:00 - 12:45

Presentation by Stuart Pedder, followed by audience Q&A

12:45 - 14:00

Bar open and buffet lunch service


Stuart Pedder CEng MICE

Stuart Pedder CEng MICE

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

senior engineer flood risk and drainage

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Stuart Pedder CEng MICE

Stuart Pedder is a Chartered Civil Engineer who has over 35 years' experience of working in the construction industry. He initially worked in consultancy, then moved to the Environment Agency in 1992. After a couple of years working for a water authority in Australia between 2002 and 2004, he began working for Leeds and then Bradford Council. In his current role he is responsible for the design and delivery of capital schemes and is also the main LLFA consultee on all major planning applications in Bradford.