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Inspire the next generation

Civil engineering faces a significant skills gap. Simply there are not enough civil engineers and not enough new entrants to the profession.

In the UK alone, numbers entering nowhere near match the 700,000 who are set to retire from the construction industry in the next 10 years.

Add to this an increased workload due to house building targets and ambitious infrastructure projects – the skills crisis is an immediate concern.

We urgently need to inspire more young people into the profession.

We will only do this by showing school children what a great career civil engineering is.

Part of this must involve reaching out to groups and communities who are not typically attracted into the industry.

This will not only help the industry address the skills gap it will also add many benefits including bringing in new perspectives and ideas.

How you can help

Quite simply, the more children and young people we engage with, the more we will inspire to join this great profession.

We're keen to involve as many members as possible.

We're looking for those who can talk passionately about the industry and are keen to work with children and young people.

  • Talk to students at your old school or college about civil engineering
  • Run activity sessions with young people
  • Represent civil engineering at careers fairs and STEM events
  • Give support to a school or STEM club project or competition entry
  • Create new activities or set up events to help inspire young people, teachers or parents

You will be part of a global network of inspiring civil engineers all working towards the aim of opening up the profession to a greater number of young people.

UK based members can get started by simply signing up with STEM Learning for child safeguarding checks and training.

When you register with STEM Learning please make sure you select the option that allows them to share your details with us, so we can include you in our list of ICE STEM Ambassadors.

Just let us know which opportunities suit your interests and availability and you will be out and about inspiring the next generation.

If you are based outside of the UK, we will need to understand what the local safeguarding regulations are before you engage in any activity; please contact your regional representative for more information.

Should you have a school in mind to visit, we'll happily support that too, just let us know which school.

We ask that each of our ICE STEM Ambassadors commits to undertaking at least one activity a year to inspire the next generation of civil engineers.

Get in touch

If inspiring the next generation of civil engineers sounds like something you would like to be involved in get in touch at [email protected] and register with STEM Learning if you're in the UK.

If you're outside the UK, please contact your country representative or regional office.

To take part in or to help organise International Women in Engineering Day or Pride activity contact your regional office.