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Press release

ICE comment on NAP3

17 July 2023

In response to the Government's third National Adaptation Programme (NAP3), Chris Richards, Director of Policy, Institution of Civil Engineers said:

"Almost exactly a year on from the hottest day ever recorded in England, while record-breaking heat and wildfires dominate headlines around the world, the impact of climate change is not some far-off threat. It is happening now.

"The UK needs to ramp up its adaptation measures. To do that, we need to understand what infrastructure is most at risk. 

"Acting quickly would give us the opportunity to develop world-leading infrastructure that is fit for the future. Delay will only make the problem worse. 

"While the government's NAP3 makes some welcome commitments to examine adaptation on a systems-wide level, the overall lack of urgency in the plan is deeply concerning. It merely promises to review whether adaptation reporting should be mandatory by 2024/25, postponing the UK's ability to determine what infrastructure is most at risk and what actions need to be taken.

"The Institution of Civil Engineers reiterates the call it made in March in response to the Climate Change Committee's report on climate change adaptation. Make adaptation reporting for all infrastructure owners and operators mandatory so the UK can effectively plan for the changes that are happening now."

Notes to editors

Please contact Maggie Eckel [email protected] for more information.

  • Maggie Eckel, media relations manager at ICE