The document sets out how members should operate when sharing social media posts about the ICE, its activities or members.
The ICE has published guidelines to help members with advice on using social media.
In line with recent guidance from the UK's Charity Commission, the new document covers how members should operate on social media and how to create their own social content, step-by-step.
Members play a vital role
For the ICE, social media offers a platform for the institution to communicate key messages, stay connected with members, listen to the industry, and build its profile online.
Social media can also bring significant benefits to ICE members, such as:
- building relationships with other civil and infrastructure engineers;
- making useful industry contacts;
- sharing ICE-related information; and
- finding content to help people learn and develop.
However, it’s important that ICE members using social media understand how to do so in a way that doesn’t negatively affect themselves or the organisation.
Three simple steps for using social media safely
Social media isn’t scary or unsafe, but there are steps one can take to protect themselves, similar to managing emails.
1. Stay secure on social media
When using social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram, it’s important to understand the security features in order to use it safely.
Take time to get to know the settings and privacy features to learn how to change passwords, see which devices are logged on, and turn on two-step verification.
2. Think before posting
It’s easy to post a quick response to a contentious or controversial status update and then regret it.
Take the time to think before responding and hold back if in any doubt at all.
Consider whether it’s something you would say in a work environment like a meeting.
3. Maintain confidentiality
Don’t share any content or information that could be considered as confidential.
This includes information about other members, content from an event under Chatham House rules or information owned by the organisation that could be considered sensitive.