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Call for insights: understanding infrastructure in a changing world

03 November 2022

Since 2019, when the ICE and partners launched their Enabling Better Infrastructure (EBI) programme, national policymakers have needed to embrace changes in the way infrastructure is planned and prioritised.

Changes have emerged not least because of Covid-19, but also due to fundamental changes in climate and social demographics.

To ensure the continued relevance of the EBI principles, the ICE is issuing a call for insights from experts involved in the development of strategic infrastructure processes to identify contemporary challenges and emerging needs.

Challenges and emerging needs will be used to flag where EBI guidance can be updated to ensure its ongoing relevance for strengthening the planning and prioritisation of national infrastructure.

The ICE is inviting all experts involved in planning, financing, and delivering national infrastructure to share their insights on the below.

  • Which emerging global, or other, challenges have significantly impacted country-level strategic infrastructure processes since 2019?
  • In what ways have these challenges impacted strategic infrastructure processes?
  • Which needs or considerations must be considered when strengthening country-level strategic infrastructure processes?
  • How can these needs and considerations be factored into the EBI 12 Principles?
  • Which tools or frameworks have been used to strengthen national infrastructure planning and prioritisation in light of these needs? How have these tools and frameworks used been adapted over time, if at all?
  • In your opinion, in what ways can these tools or frameworks be adapted or refined to ensure their continued relevance toward overcoming the challenges and associated needs you identified?

Responses should be sent to the ICE policy team. The consultation will close on Friday, 16 December 2022.

Insights gathered from this call will feed into a green paper research programme on updating the EBI 12 Principles.

Enabling Better Infrastructure scoping paper

Content type: Policy

Last updated: 03/11/2022

Author: dr kerry bobbins

  • Dr Kerry Bobbins, head of Enabling Better Infrastructure programme at ICE