Modal shift to active travel will support decarbonisation, reduce congestion, and improve air quality and health. The Climate Change Committee has identified the need to invest in walking and cycling infrastructure and strengthen other schemes to support active travel modes.
The first Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS1) was published in 2017, with the second strategy (CWIS2) expected early in 2022.
This insight paper covers:
- What CWIS1 achieved, and what needs improvement
- The active travel measures introduced as part of the Covid-19 pandemic
- What the 2020 Gear Change report achieved
- What CWIS2 should contain, including its scope, funding and political coordination
This paper has been informed by available published evidence, insight from ICE Fellows, and a roundtable with the Department for Transport and experts in the active travel sector.
Civil engineering insights on UK government cycling and walking strategies
Content type: Policy
Last updated: December 2021