The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has commissioned an independent review of the government’s approach to net zero.
The government’s aim is to ensure that it is delivering net zero in a way that is pro-business and pro-growth.
The ICE’s response to the call for evidence focuses on overarching questions including the challenges and obstacles to decarbonisation, what more government could do to support businesses and the public, and the link between net zero and energy security.
It makes the following key points:
- There is no trade-off between economic growth and decarbonisation.
The long-term economic outlook of investing in climate change mitigation is favourable, while the cost of inaction is greater.
A formal system of governance is needed to coordinate decarbonisation across all levels of government and deliver a systems approach to net zero.
Net zero needs to be embedded in all government decision-making, including through rigorous application of the Green Book’s environmental impact mandate and carbon values.
Reducing energy demand is critical for both energy security and net zero. Actions should include energy efficiency measures and working with the public on solutions that encourage and enable behaviour change.
The green transition is a global phenomenon with many similar features and needs across much of the world. The UK took the first-mover advantage when it legislated for net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and is perceived by many other nations to be in a leading position. The UK should capitalise on this by growing its position as a global leader in new industries, technologies and expertise.
ICE response to the BEIS Review of Net Zero call for evidence
Content type: Policy
Last updated: 28/10/2022