- ICE has previously argued for the creation of cross-sectoral regional infrastructure forums, bringing together government, regulators, businesses and stakeholder representatives to develop regional infrastructure strategies. We believe the Outline Transport Strategy must be more detailed in its links between transport, other infrastructure and housing, allowing the region to reach its full growth potential over the next 30-year period.
- We agree that improving transport connectivity should be a priority for the draft Transport Strategy. We recognise that East West Rail is being progressed separately by Network Rail, however, the Transport Strategy should advocate for the full electrification of the East West Rail line or explore alternative options (e.g. hydrogen or battery powered trains) in order to meet the ambition of zero carbon by 2050.
- We welcome the ambition to deliver a zero-carbon transport system in the region by 2050. Consideration should be given to establishing a set of carbon budgets, for example of five-yearly periods, in order to meet this ambition and drive further carbon efficiencies.
- The Outline Transport Strategy should be more cognisant of the trends in working practices enabled by greater digital connectivity that will impact on how and where people travel and the frequency at which they do, including the potential this will bring for freeing up capacity on existing routes.
ICE response to England’s Economic Heartland Outline Transport Strategy
Content type: Consultation
Last updated: October 2019