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ICE’s Energy Expert Panel response to the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee’s inquiry on renewable heat and transport targets

25 April 2016

ICE's Energy Expert Panel has submitted a response to the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee's inquiry on 2020 Renewable Heat and Transport targets.

The Committee invited responses on whether the Government have the right policies in place to meet its 2020 renewable energy targets in the heat and transport sectors, and how might a whole systems approach across the power, heat and transport sectors be utilised to ensure the 2020 targets are met.

ICE's submission acknowledged that affordability and security of supply are as important as decarbonisation but that all indications are that the UK will not meet its legally binding 2020 targets. Therefore, effective and timely decision-making, with early action to rectify any projected non-achievement, is essential to address all three elements of the energy 'trilemma'.

ICE’s Energy Expert Panel response to the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee’s inquiry on renewable heat and transport targets

Content type: Consultation

Last updated: 18 April 2016

Authors: ICE

  • Gavin Miller, policy manger at ICE