ICE has made a submission to the Infrastructure and Project Authority’s call for evidence on its proposal for a new approach to building – a Platform Approach to Design for Manufacture and Assembly (P-DfMA).
The manifold benefits of both DfMA and platform approaches are well known. Despite this, the construction industry and its clients have been reluctant to change; a product of existing business models and risk aversion within the sector.
ICE and the Infrastructure Client Group’s Project 13 is an industry-wide change programme seeking to move from a transactional model to an enterprise model, and could play a part in enabling greater use of off-site manufacture and enhanced productivity.
In order to best deliver a P-DfMA approach, ICE believes government must learn and share lessons from current good practice, help build capacity and develop resilience through departmental trailblazers, and look towards a mandate approach on relevant projects as used with BIM.
ICE's submission to Infrastructure and Projects Authority on proposal for new approach to building
Content type: Consultation
Last updated: February 2019