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Presidential Roundtable summary: what is global best practice in managing infrastructure delivery costs?

23 November 2022

Infrastructure is essential to our economic and social prosperity.

However, rising costs can impact on the ability of project teams to deliver.

Furthermore, rising costs in construction have posed a challenge that must be addressed through improved productivity and innovation.

ICE convened an online roundtable in conversation with industry experts from Te Waihanga/New Zealand Infrastructure Commission.

The discussion brought together infrastructure professionals from the UK, New Zealand and other countries focused on the key question: ‘What is global best practice in managing infrastructure delivery costs?’

The session focused on practical problem solving and lessons industry leaders can take from different countries. It also highlighted how they can apply solutions to their own domestic projects to improve infrastructure delivery and productivity.

Presidential Roundtable summary: what is global best practice in managing infrastructure delivery costs?

Content type: Policy

Last updated: 22/11/2022

Author: ICE policy team

  • Laura Cunliffe-Hall, lead policy manager at ICE