Almost a year on from the publication of the UK’s Net Zero Strategy, this event provided a space to take stock of the progress being made on decarbonisation.
The event reflected on whether the UK is on track to meet the ambitious targets by 2050 and looked at what needs to happen next to ensure that decarbonisation remains a priority across politics and industry.
At the time of publication, ICE raised concerns about the lack of clarity on the policy detail in the strategy on how to achieve its ambitions – the high court subsequently struck down the strategy for similar concerns.
At this session, we brought together a group of experts to discuss whether current approaches are sufficient to deliver on the ambitions outlined in the strategy, or whether we need to consider new approaches in order to drive faster change.
Presidential Roundtable summary: The UK Net-Zero Strategy – one year on
Content type: Report
Last updated: 23/09/2022