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CPD Audit 2024

You have been randomly selected for this year’s CPD audit. Please read the following information and submit your documents by Tuesday 4 February 2025 to avoid the removal of your ICE membership.

How to submit your CPD

Please ensure that your development action plan (DAP), personal development record (PDR) and brief job summary are combined into one PDF document before uploading them to the portal.

We strongly recommend that you use the ICE templates for your DAP and PDR. We do accept records in other templates, but you should bear in mind that the peer review by the CPD Auditors will be based on ICE’s CPD Guidance.

Upload your documents

Submitting using ICE templates

If you use the ICE templates, please supply the following:

  • your completed PDR for 2023. Please note that if you don't record your development January-December we require that you submit the most recent full year of your PDR.
  • your DAP that preceded your PDR (the objectives that you set yourself before completing your PDR) i.e., your DAP with objectives set at the beginning of 2023.
  • the job role, responsibilities, and engineering sector, which is relevant to your 2023 CPD records, so that we understand the context of your CPD planning and actions. (200 words max)
  • if you have completed learning activities that align with ICE’s CPD Framework, please highlight this within your CPD record.
Submitting in another format

If you are submitting your 2023 CPD records in another format, for example, employer CPD records or records from another institution, the information must:


There are circumstances where the requirement to submit your CPD is waived; for example, if you:

  • were on parental leave during the period that you have been asked to demonstrate in your CPD record.
  • are retired and not an active ICE volunteer, nor undertaking work relevant to your professional qualification.
  • have been unemployed for more than six months.
  • are suffering from any illness or disability which prevents you from undertaking CPD.
  • are on extended leave.

If you feel you may be exempt for any reason, please contact [email protected] or call +44(0)20 7665 2334 and an ICE member of staff will be happy to advise.

The Admission, Training and Qualification regulations state that all professionally qualified members of ICE are required to keep a written record of their CPD activities and submit a copy of their CPD record upon request.

Anything that has contributed to your learning and development can count towards your CPD including courses, seminars, conferences, reading relevant publications, web-based research, and personal development activities. Please see appendix D of the CPD guidance for examples of development activities.

ICE's Admission, Training and Qualification regulations state that all professionally qualified members are required to keep a written record of their CPD activities and submit that record when requested. The requirement to record and report CPD is consistent with the high professional standards that ICE and its members uphold.

Each year, professionally qualified members at all stages of their career, including senior professionals, fellows, former and future ICE presidents are requested to submit their records.

Most comply with this request; last year’s compliance rate was 98%. That high level of support and compliance helps reinforce that ICE’s professionally qualified members remain competent throughout their careers.

We recommend you review and update your DAP at least once a year and log all learning activities in your PDR regularly throughout the year.

The templates and platforms on which your CPD is planned and recorded is your choice, however ICE strongly recommends that you adopt the templates found within the CPD guidance or record your CPD in the ICE’s online CPD tool . This tool helps members manage their CPD recording online, providing a searchable, exportable record which is aligned with the ICE’s recommended format and the ICE CPD cycle.

Using the template or the tool enables you to adopt best CPD practices, ensuring you are aligned with the ‘plan, act, assess, review’ structure of the CPD cycle.

If you have regular performance appraisals with your employer, you can use these to monitor your development. If you're self-employed, the CPD process will help you to keep your skills current and to stay competitive in your field.

If you complete a CPD record for your employer or for another professional institution you can submit this for the CPD audit. You do not have to re-record your CPD records in the ICE format.

However, please note the following information:

  • Any CPD records submitted should comply with the Engineering Council’s CPD Code for Registrants as a minimum standard.
  • The peer review by the CPD Auditors will be based on ICE’s CPD Guidance.

ICE does not set a minimum CPD hours requirement for professionally qualified members as the number of CPD hours that a member completes will vary based on their registration grade, level of experience, role and responsibility and future career plans.

Your CPD should focused on your own development and the learning you plan to complete to develop your professional knowledge and skills.

Rather than focusing on a minimum number of hours of CPD to complete, the amount of CPD you undertake should be sufficient for you to achieve effective outcomes in the field(s) you have identified in your development planning.

Yes, you will need to also submit your records to the CPD Audit submission portal.

ICE staff are not able to access member’s records via MyICE so if you use the tool you will need to export, download and submit your records to our dedicated CPD audit submission portal.

We believe it is. A DAP helps you to identify the areas that require development so that you can proactively maintain, enhance, or improve your knowledge and skills.

If you did not complete a DAP for 2023 you can submit your PDR only.

Please note, that an absence of a DAP will be reflected in the feedback you receive from our CPD Auditors.

If you are submitting your CPD record without a DAP please include a note along with your records to confirm this.

“Professionally active” means that you are involved in activity that entails the application of engineering competence; this includes being a current member of an ICE committee or panel, or volunteering as an ICE non-panel assessor.

Our group of volunteer CPD Auditors who are all professionally qualified ICE members who have received training on reviewing CPD records audit the records which are submitted as part of the CPD audit.

In August, our CPD Auditors will provide you with feedback on your records, which will be in line with the principles set out within the ICE CPD Guidance.

The easiest way to do this is to copy and paste all your documents on to one Word document. Then, go to file, and under save, click on save as PDF.

Ready to submit your documents?

Now that you have all the information, it is time to submit.

Got a question?

If you have got any questions about the CPD Audit then please let know.