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Panel for Historical Engineering Works (PHEW)

The panel identifies historical engineering works that are worthy of recording, promoting, and in some cases, preserving for posterity.

The panel helps to organise groups of civil engineers in the regions who are interested in the history of their profession, and publishes a quarterly newsletter, regional guides and leaflets on the subject. The Panel also work with the regions to commemorate structures and engineers by putting up plaques to bring these to public attention.

Meet the panel

The Panel for Historical Engineering Works (PHEW) is made up of a variety of industry experts. Find out more about our panel chair and details of the panel's members.

Panel Chair

Gordon Masterton, OBE, HonDEng, HonDTech, BA, MSc, DIC, FREng, FRSE, FICE, FIStructE, FIES

Gordon is a Past President of ICE, IESIS, former Chairman of CIC. He is Vice President of Jacobs, Vice Chairman of RCAHMS and founder of Scottish Engineering Hall of Fame.
Gordon Masterton

Other panel members

Name Position/region
Michael Chrimes Vice Chair
Roger Davies Technical Secretary
Vacant East of Scotland
Mrs Sandra Purves West of Scotland
Ian Weir North West
North East
John Spain Yorkshire and Humber
Stephen K. Jones Wales
David Brown West Midlands
Paul Sharratt East Midlands
Ian Anderson East of England
Dr David Greenfield South West
Richard Adam South East - Kent & East Sussex
Roger Davies South East - Hants, West Sussex & Surrey
David Hunter South East – Thames Valley
Clive Cockerton London
David Hughes Northern Ireland
Dr. Dermot O'Dwyer Engineers Ireland representative (newsletter editor)
Professor Barry Clarke Archive panel representative

The Panel identifies historical engineering works that are worthy of recording and, in some cases, preserving for posterity. This information is recorded in a searchable database. Data available includes historical details about the structure and its construction process.

Find out more about the PHEW and explore our database.

Get the latest from the PHEW newsletter

The Panel for Historical Engineering Works produces a quarterly newsletter, providing stories and updates concerning some of the UK's most important historical structures.

Issue 170

For older issues of the PHEW newsletter, please see the PHEW newsletters library or contact us below.

Further information

To find out more about the Panel for Historical Engineering Works contact the team: