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Renewable energy, alternative sources of renewable power

Event organised by ICE

27 September 2022

This event has now ended


The presentation begins by outlining the various types of turbines used to develop hydropower and covers various ways to create the head of water to drive the equipment. It then provides outline characteristics of 15 significant Malaysian Hydropower Developments. It then describes the seven other renewable energy production sources with examples of projects worldwide.

Given the daily variability of solar, wind and tidal power production, it describes several methods currently being exploited to store energy produced in periods of low consumption for later use in periods of high grid system demand. Next, statistics on world power and energy production are provided. Finally, the current Malaysian Renewable Energy Production statistics and future production targets on the pathway to climate change net-zero emissions are provided.


Christopher John Hanson

Christopher John Hanson

SNC-Lavalin Power

project manager

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Christopher John Hanson

Christopher John Hanson has spent over 50 years working in Consulting Engineering on the civil engineering aspects of Hydro Power involving some 40 projects in 20 countries around the world. These projects have included earth-fill, rock-fill, CFRD, concrete and RCC dams with head concentration developed by canals, tunnels, steel, and wood-stave pipelines leading to surface and underground powerhouses.

He has managed the implementation, procurement and construction of 10 hydroelectric power stations, ranging in size from 375 kW to 250 MW, and has worked for extended periods in Canada, the United Kingdom, Indonesia, Malaysia, Venezuela, the Caribbean, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Nepal, and Nigeria, in addition to shorter-term assignments in China, Colombia, Lao PDR, Thailand, Ivory Coast, USA and the Comoros Islands. He has spent most of the past 20 years working in SE Asia, mainly in Malaysia and Indonesia, and is currently resident in Kuala Lumpur.

Malaysian Hydro Projects

Temengor 348 MW 1978; Bersia 75 MW 1983; Kenering 120 MW 1983 Sungai Piah 70 MW 1993; Cameron refit 250 MW 2008 Bakun 2400 MW 2008; Chenderoh 12 MW 2016 Hulu Terengganu 265 MW 2016; TOTAL 3540 MW 2020


For more information please contact:

Theban Arumugam