Lester Sonden
formerly of SES Water
retired, former director
Lester Sonden
Lester, graduated from Newcastle University in Civil Engineering in 1975. For the first 21 years of his career, Lester worked for UK consultant Binnie and Partners later to become Black and Veatch. Lester was involved in water and sewerage projects in many parts of the UK, working with or as consultant to a number of the water companies in England and the forerunner of Scottish Water. He also spent 2½ years in the UAE on a major project to take desalinated water to Al Ain. Lester was also involved in the government project to privatise the water industry in England and Wales.
In 1997, he joined Sutton and East Surrey Water as engineering director (and later as wholesale services director and regulatory director) where he remained until his retirement at the end of 2016.