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Artificial Ground Freezing: a versatile solution for water tightness and temporary soil structure

Event organised by The British Tunnelling Society

18 January 2024

This event has now ended


Christian Gilbert of SYSTRA will introduce the ground freezing process and associated techniques, review the main design parameters as well as basic rules of thumb and risks.

A number of projects showing versatile use of the method will then be presented with a specific focus on  Metro Line 14 Clichy Saint-Ouen, Paris. With urban conditions and numerous complex constraints including railway proximity, this detailed case study will set out associated measured data and durations. 

Post-lecture drinks and food will be served at the ICE bar.

The drinks are sponsored by Systra and the food is sponsored by Tunnel Skills.



SYSTRA is one of the world’s leading engineering and consulting groups, specialising in infrastructure and mobility solutions. In the UK & Ireland, SYSTRA has been creating, improving and modernising infrastructure for more than 50 years.

Tunnel Skills

Tunnel Skills

Formed in 2008 following an HSE led initiative, TunnelSkills membership comprises most major employers/ contractors from the UK tunnelling industry.

Organised by

British Tunnelling Society

British Tunnelling Society

The BTS is a dynamic group of tunnelling professionals sharing knowledge within the industry.


17:30 - 18:00

Refreshments in Kendal's Foyer

18:00 - 19:30

Lecture in the Telford Theatre

19:30 - 21:30

Post-lecture drinks and food


Dr Christian Gilbert

Dr Christian Gilbert


director of structures and civil engineering

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Dr Christian Gilbert

Christian Gilbert studied civil engineering in France and received his masters and PhD in civil engineering from Northwestern University (Illinois, USA).

Dr Gilbert joined Systra 10 years ago as vice-president of structures and civil and was previously director of engineering for the Soletanche Bachy Group. Dr Gilbert has more than 25 years’ experience as a contractor, specialising in ground engineering.  

Elected as president of CEN/TC288 in 2012, Dr. Gilbert was the French representative for execution standards (TC288) and convenor for two other standards.  He was also member of the executive commission for dams in France.

For more information please contact:

Annabelle M
