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Deafness is common, but rarely understood

Event organised by ICE

04 May 2023

This event has now ended


You see two people signing - what do you think? Someone approaches you and starts to sign - how do you react? You see that a loved one has hearing aids - what do you do to help?

Ask yourself the question:

  • How much do I really know about deafness?
  • Do I know how to communicate?
  • How can I encourage and empower someone who is deaf?
  • How do I ensure they are not excluded from everyday life?

Through lived experiences, this Deaf Awareness session will highlight some of the barriers that exist in deaf life, and offer solutions for use in work, socially and amongst your loved ones.


Simon Deacy

Simon Deacy

Deaf Friendly

business mentor

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Simon Deacy

Simon Deacy OBE is a retired senior police officer. During his career, Simon has worked on various initiatives such as the No Witness No Justice, banning handguns in the UK and getting victims of crime statutory rights. Simon retired in 2010 and was awarded an OBE in 2011 for services to victims and witnesses.

Sarah Lawrence

Sarah Lawrence

Deaf Friendly


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Sarah Lawrence

Sarah Lawrence was born hearing and she became deaf at the age of 3 due to an illness. Brought up in a hearing family, Sarah had no connection with the deaf community and the deaf language until late in her childhood. Sarah has launched UK’s only deaf lifestyle and culture magazine, now the only bilingual magazine in the world, it is read by people in over 150 countries. Additionally, Sarah has been running deaf awareness programmes and teaching BSL locally for over 20 years.

Simon and Sarah work together, seeking to improve education standards for deaf children, teaching high standard British Sign Language and helping people get a better understanding of the deaf culture.

For more information please contact:

Jessica McQuade

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