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Economic design of foundations: ICE MOGE 2nd ed. updates

Event organised by ICE

14 May 2024

This event has now ended


Shallow foundations are often simple and easy to construct and offer a more economic and sustainable solution than deep foundations when site conditions are appropriate. Unfortunately, current design practice often leads to shallow foundations being considered inappropriate. The authors will debate their pros and cons, drawing on the recent edition of ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering to highlight potential opportunities and pitfalls. Some of the changes in the Foundation Design section of MOGE will also be illustrated:

  • Overview of risk management, getting the concept right early and approaches to achieve economic low carbon foundations.
  • New methods of shallow foundation design – bearing capacity under combined loading and settlement assessment.
  • The opportunity for economy with Piled Rafts.
  • Further guidance on driven pules. Benefits and some common risks.
  • Design of pile rock sockets.
  • Calculation of moment restraint in small pile groups.
  • A simple method for partially rigid large pile groups.
  • Global ground movements and their impact on piles.


Tony O’Brien

Tony O’Brien

Mott Macdonald

global practice leader, geotechnics

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Tony O’Brien

Tony O’Brien is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineering. He is the Global Practice Leader for Geotechnics at Mott MacDonald Ltd and a Visiting Professor at the University of Southampton. He has provided technical leadership on several major projects across Europe, North America and the Asia-Pacific region. Within MM he leads several initiatives to support the development of modern digital tools for data analysis, management and visualisation.

Tony has contributed to best practice guidance, including CIRIA guide (C791) on advanced numerical modelling and recently published a book “The Observational Method in Civil Engineering”. He also works on several international committees and currently chairs a sub-group of TC206 (Interactive Design) developing guidance on contract conditions to facilitate wider use of the Observational Method.