Dr Andrew Bond
Geocentrix Ltd
Dr Andrew Bond
Andrew was chairman of CEN TC250/SC7 (the Eurocode 7 committee) from 2010 to 2019, during which time he led the development of the second-generation Eurocode 7. He was a member of the team that rewrote EN 1990 Basis of structural and geotechnical design member and directed the (six) teams that transformed Eurocode 7 from two to three parts: general rules, ground properties, and geotechnical structures.
In 2023, Andrew took over as chair of B/526, the BSI committee that looks after British Standards for geotechnics. He is leading the work preparing National Annexes for the second-generation Eurocode 7 and planning amendments and revisions to British Standards that will be affected by the new code.
Andrew is currently working on an update to the highly successful book Decoding Eurocode 7, published in 2008 to support the first-generation Eurocodes.