John Cripps
engineering geologist
John Cripps
John Cripps is an engineering geologist with 50 years of experience mostly as an academic in the Department of Geology and from 2000 the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering at the University of Sheffield. Now retired, John is still active in research, editing, consultancy and geological conservation work.
Teaching responsibilities: Courses in geology and engineering geology, land reclamation, geological hazards, and environmental impact assessment; while research activities have centred on engineering properties and durability of mudrocks, impacts of pyrite on mudrock performance and concrete deterioration, restoration of quarries and expansion of pyritic mudrock fills.
Assistance to industry: Ground investigations for tunnel construction in Sheffield, reconstruction of the Carsington Dam in Derbyshire, various problems with foundations, including expansion of mudstone due to pyrite.
Working parties and standards: Contributions to Geological Society working parties on weathering and clay materials used in construction, TRL 447: Sulfate specification for structural backfills, BS1377: Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes Part 3: Chemical and electrochemical tests and ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering.
Geological conservation: Active trustee of Sheffield Area Geology Trust which works to preserve and enhance geological assets in South Yorkshire by maintaining a system of documented local geological sites and advising local authorities on geological issues for education, research and recreation.
Editing and publications: Past editor of Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, and several Geological Society Special Publications in Engineering Geology. Assistant editor of Bulletin of Engineering Geology and Environment and author and co-author of 47 journal papers, 17 book chapters and 80 conference papers, and editor of 8 books.