David Sein
Leighton Contractors (Asia) Ltd
head of engineering
David Sein
David Sein was born and bred in Melbourne Australia and graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1995. After graduation he worked on civil engineering projects in Canada and then moved to Hong Kong in 1997 where he has remained ever since. He cut his teeth at C M Wong and Associates Limited designing and delivering private sector and Housing Authority foundation projects, as well as Landslip Preventative Measures contracts. In 2001, David moved to Gammon Construction Limited where he spent the vast majority of his time designing and managing temporary works on large scale civil engineering projects. He established and lead the substructures and tunnelling design group and designed and managed temporary works on large scale civil engineering projects and also contributed several years at the delivery end embedded in the Contractor's engineering team on site.
In Aug 2014, David joined Leighton Asia as Engineering Manager on Passenger Clearance Building for the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities, then at SCL1123 Exhibition Station and Western Approach Tunnels, and then to Hong Kong International Airport Contract 3503 Terminal 2 Foundations and Substructure Works. He is now stationed in Leighton's Head Office leading Engineering across the business. David is a chartered engineer in the civil and geotechnical disciplines. David is an executive member of the Hong Kong Temporary Works Forum (HK-TWf) and authored the CIC+HK-TWf publication “Control and Management of Temporary Works”. He has a keen interest to improve temporary works safety from a Contractor’s perspective.