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Launch: Financing Low Carbon Infrastructure report

Event organised by ICE

21 November 2022

This event has now ended


Based around the Financing Low Carbon Infrastructure report, this exciting and interactive event, run as a ‘Fishbowl’ will bring together experts to discuss and explore the key conclusions of the report, dive into what is driving lending decisions for infrastructure and pinpoint the role for civil engineers in drive investment in low-carbon projects.

The UK Government has made clear that the first step to delivering a green industrial revolution is “ensuring that the information exists to enable every financial decision to factor in climate change and the environment”. This report looks at some of the ways the finance community is changing in response to climate change, the questions they want to be answered before they lend money to an infrastructure project and the part that civil engineers can play in ensuring that low-carbon projects are invested in.

The event is being run in a moderated ‘Fishbowl’ format, with the room set up in concentric circles. Our expert speakers will open the discussions from the central circle before you as an attendee will have the opportunity to lead the conversation and share thoughts from those seats. The format is designed to be informative and engaging and facilitate open conversation between all attendees.

This is an in-person event aimed at civil engineers, the financial community, asset owners and industry leaders. Places are limited so make sure you register ahead of the day.


09:30 - 09:40

Welcome from Keith Howells 

09:40 - 09:45

Introduction from facilitator

09:45 - 10:20

Stage 1 of discussions, led by speakers 

10:20 - 10:50

Stage 2 of discussions with speakers and audience members swapping places  

10:50 - 10:55

Final thoughts from speakers  

10:55 - 11:00

Closing remarks and end of event


Keith Howells

Keith Howells

Institution of Civil Engineers

president 2022/23

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Keith Howells

Keith Howells is the 158th President of the ICE.

Having graduated in civil engineering in 1974, Keith joined one of the founder members of the Mott MacDonald Group and spent the first 10 years of his career in infrastructure design and project management, mostly in the water and transport sectors. On completing an MBA in 1986, he became involved with the planning, feasibility, and financial and economic analysis of projects, principally in the water and environmental sectors. Over the next decade he worked on numerous projects funded by the international finance institutions as well as by UK government bodies.

Keith has built career long experience in the planning, study and design of hydraulic structures, hydropower, urban drainage, sewerage, water supply and river engineering schemes. He has worked in numerous countries as well as in the UK. He ran the firm’s Water and Environment business from 1997 to 2002, before becoming the Group Managing Director in 2004, directing the firm’s expansion in North America and Australasia. Keith became Chair of the Group’s Executive Board in 2011, responsible to shareholders for the performance of the company and its strategic direction – a role he continued until mid-2019.

Keith was on the board of the Association for Consultancy and Engineering from 2011 to 2015, and its Chair in 2013; he was a member of the CBI’s Construction Council from 2013 to 2019; and a member of the Cranfield School of Management Advisory Board from 2012 to 2020.  He is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers, a Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management and a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Dr Darryl Murphy

Dr Darryl Murphy

Private Markets at Aviva Investors

managing director and head of infrastructure debt

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Dr Darryl Murphy

He is responsible for infrastructure transactions for the infrastructure debt strategy. Darryl is responsible for a portfolio of around £12bn of debt investments across the UK and Europe.

Prior to joining Aviva Investors, Darryl was a partner at KPMG in the Global Infrastructure Advisory practice. He has over 29 years’ experience in infrastructure financing and investment having also worked at Hambros, SG, Newcourt Capital, RBC and was head of European Project Finance at HSBC. He has structured, advised and arranged on a wide number of projects globally. Darryl holds a PhD in Mathematics from Exeter University. He is the UK Council Chair of the International Project Finance Association.

Helen Lister

Helen Lister

Financial Advisory Group, IPA

Commercial Specialist

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Helen Lister

Helen joined Infrastructure UK, part of HM Treasury, in 2013 to deliver the UK Guarantees Scheme.  Helen is now a member of the Financial Advisory team in the IPA. She has over 25 years of experience in project and infrastructure finance across a range of sectors but  has specialised in the energy sector. Helen is a “Net Zero Champion” within IPA. 

She was previously Executive Director at GE Energy Financial Services, where she led a team investing in European energy projects. Helen has worked at a number of financial institutions including Fortis, ABN Amro and NatWest, leading and arranging energy project finance transactions, and at Edison International developing a range of energy projects, with a focus on low carbon energy projects in Europe since 2000. 

Mark Crouch

Mark Crouch

Mott MacDonald

global decarbonisation discipline lead

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Mark Crouch

Mark Crouch is Mott MacDonald’s Global Decarbonisation Discipline Lead and an MSc qualified carbon management and sustainability leader with over 18 years’ experience. Mark has led Mott MacDonald’s PAS2080 verification process since 2018, where on an annual basis the global business is independently verified for conformity with the specification, with the business being one of the first organisations to be verified using the major 2023 update. Mark has also led PAS2080 implementation and assessment projects for a range of clients internationally and brings experience from leading greenhouse gas assessments on major and high-profile projects and programmes. 

Andy Milner

Andy Milner

Matrix Networks Group

executive chairman

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Andy Milner

Andy is a Fellow of The Institution of Civil Engineers (FICE) and a Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (FCIHT). He has a Bachelor of Civil Engineering, BEng (Hons) and is a Chartered Civil Engineer with over 25 years’ experience in the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure in the utilities, transport, property, waste and defence sectors in the UK and overseas. Andy joined Matrix Networks as Executive Chairman in August 2020 prior to which he was the CEO of the Amey Group.

Adrian Fielden-Gray

Adrian Fielden-Gray


co-founder & coo

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Adrian Fielden-Gray

Adrian Fielden-Gray is co-founder and COO of public electric vehicle charging network Be.EV and future infrastructure business Iduna. His team has just secured the backing of Octopus Energy Generation, who have committed up to £110m to rapidly scale the Be. EV network installations and operations across the North of England and nationally. Adrian holds a Master’s degree in Mathematics from Oxford University and has held a series of senior roles in infrastructure and project finance.

Lisa Kelvey

Lisa Kelvey


global infrastructure sustainability lead

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Lisa Kelvey

Lisa Kelvey leads KPMG UK’s Major Projects Advisory team and is KPMG’s global lead on Sustainable Infrastructure. She has 25 years’ experience of planning and delivering major programmes and advising public and private sector organisations on transport, low carbon energy, water, social infrastructure and mixed-use development. She specialises in supporting programme leaders with strategy, planning, decision-making, governance and assurance. A Chartered civil engineer, Lisa started her career with a major international design consultancy before moving into design management, project management and advisory roles. Lisa’s career has included major programmes in locations as diverse as Singapore, Dubai, Kazakhstan, the Caribbean and Mexico

For more information please contact:

Barbara Etzi